viernes, 3 de julio de 2009

INGLES - 2º Año A - Prof. Fernando Bujas

1) Lectura y comprensión de texto.
Carol Gian is a popular musician. She plays many musical instruments. She is from Jujuy, but at the moment she is living in Cordoba. Carol is short and slim. She has big brown eyes.
Carol has two children: Matias and Facundo.
They are six and four years old. They go to school in the morning and Carol practises at that time. She also gives music lessons on Tuesdays and Thursdays. She never teaches at weekends but she gives concerts.
Her dream is to play in a big stadium for many people.
A-Lee el texto anterior. Escribí True (verdadero) o False (falso) para las sgtes. oraciones.

a- Carol is a popular painter. ______
b- She has two children. ______
c- They study in the afternoon. ______
d- She teaches music at weekends. ______
e- She lives in Jujuy. ______

B- Escribí 6 oraciones más: 3 verdaderas y 3 falsas utilizando información del texto.


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